The president of OST Santé, the Union of Health Workers in Cameroon, delivered a strong speech in response to the Minister of Public Health, Dr. MANAOUDA Malachi, who labeled their Union as illegal and advised health workers to maintain peace while working. He pledges to persist in uniting healthcare professionals for a crucial dialogue on their rights and the planned strike on the 28th. This initiative is not solely focused on the well-being of healthcare workers but also symbolizes a wider campaign for high-quality healthcare for all citizens of Cameroon.
According to the Unionist, healthcare professionals in Cameroon are united by a shared commitment to deliver quality care.
"It’s our passion and calling, not just a job," the president asserted.
However, this dedication is being tested by leadership that appears to undervalue their contributions. Many healthcare workers feel their roles are perceived through a lens of desperation rather than a commitment to saving lives.
The Frustration of Unanswered Pleas
Despite repeated attempts to communicate their grievances to the government, including submissions to the Minister of Public Health, healthcare workers have met with silence.
We have previously submitted petitions and pleas to the authorities, but no response has been received, the president lamented.
Instead, the Minister has publicly questioned the legality of OST Santé, implying that the union is not legitimate.
However, as outlined by Decree 92 and Article 11 of the Labor Code, the union has met all legal requirements for recognition.
Our right to unionize does not depend on anyone’s authorization, emphasized the president.
After 30 days without a response from the union registrar, the union's legitimacy is legally established, yet the Minister's dismissive stance continues to undermine their efforts.
The Current Challenges Facing Healthcare Workers
Healthcare professionals face an array of challenges, including unpaid salaries, lack of job security, and inadequate working conditions. Many are forced to work as temporaries without access to social security, making it difficult to sustain their livelihoods. "We are frustrated by leaders who do not respect or value us", the president remarked, highlighting the struggles many endure daily.
Despite some negotiations with government commissions, promises made have largely gone unfulfilled.
We have seen some progress, such as the signing of advances and promises of recruitment, but these promises have not materialized, the president noted.
The core demands remain clear: fair wages, decent working conditions, and acknowledgment of their rights.
The Impending Strike: A Last Resort
The upcoming strike is framed as a last resort in the fight for dignity, respect, and improved working conditions.
The Minister's attempts to intimidate us are unacceptable, the president declared firmly.
Healthcare workers refuse to be silenced or overlooked. The strike is not just a stand for their rights but a cry for justice that resonates with every healthcare worker in the country.
In a bold move, the union's leadership has indicated readiness to pursue legal action against the Minister for defamation, further underscoring their commitment to proving the union’s legitimacy.
"This is not just our fight but a fight for every healthcare worker suffering under the current system," the president stressed.
A Call to Unity
As the strike date approaches, the message is clear: healthcare professionals must stand united.
Let us stand united in this struggle, for ourselves, for our colleagues, and for all Cameroonians who depend on us for quality healthcare, the president urged.
This movement is about ensuring that healthcare workers receive the respect, recognition, and working conditions they deserve.
The time for action is now. Healthcare professionals across Cameroon are encouraged to join this crucial fight to ensure their voices are heard and their rights upheld. Together, they can advocate for a better future for healthcare in Cameroon—one that honors their dedication and commitment to saving lives.
Full Address Transcript
#HealthcareCameroon #OSTSante #HealthcareWorkers #UnionRights #StrikeForJustice #PatientCare #HealthEquity #Cameroon