In a recent communiqué, Dr. Manaouda Malachie, Minister of Public Health, announced crucial updates for state agents working under his department and affiliated organizations. The Minister instructed the decentralization of career notification, ensuring that career acts signed between April 2023 and the present, along with those from previous years, will be delivered to beneficiaries in their respective service locations by November 2024.
This important change comes at a time when health workers are raising several grievances about their working conditions, remuneration, and the delays in the processing of career acts. The government’s response through this new initiative aims to address some of these concerns by improving administrative efficiency and timeliness.
The Minister emphasized the importance of updating personal information. He invited all agents who have received a promotion, transfer, or new registration to update their details and job positions through the dedicated systems available at fichier.minsante.cm and cartographie.gov.cm before Friday, October 18, 2024.
Moreover, he reassured correctly registered agents that they would receive automatic salary processing, ensuring timely remuneration. On the other hand, those not yet registered on these platforms must visit the Mail and Liaison Sub-department of MINSANTE to collect their respective career documents, along with the necessary administrative proofs.
In his closing remarks, the Minister stressed the responsibility of higher-level officials in validating electronic enrollment:
This will guarantee the compliance of data and enhance the efficiency of administrative processes, contributing to a more fluid and transparent notification of career acts to beneficiaries.