Diabetes is known to be a dietary-related disease that is marked by naturally uncontrollable increase in blood sugar level. If not properly managed it increases the risk for longterm complications such as cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, kidney disease, fatty liver disease, just to name a few, making one more likely to incur more financial burden, be absent from work, less productive at work, and risk for premature death.
To make matters even worse, the current conventional medical world on which the suffering patients largely depend on is doing alot to control symptoms of the disease, but unfortunately not doing much to address the root cause of the disease. Diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes, they tell you to eat a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, while depending on lifetime daily pills and sometimes insulin shots as a means of controlling the disease.
If you have just been diagnosed with this disease, reading this may seem as if all the negatives are against your person. If you are from the lower economic class, and loosing energy, gaining weight, facing rising medical expenses, lack access to medications, or worried that this might be the end of your life, it may be time for you to understand that there is still hope. Yes, everything is not lost. There are still a few pieces we can help you put together for you to be even stronger than before. All you need to do on your part is to put the right lifestyle habits into place and avoid incubating the disaster that diabetes often come with.
Diabetes Reversal and Management (DREAM) is a program that we have put in place to empower patients and those already suffering from diabetes complications by accompanying them to take their own destiny into their hands. Our approach is simple, and relies on a century of research done by innovative leaders in the field of diabetes reversal and management, as well as our personal research and experience to (1) show that the advice to eat a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet is highly misguided in the long-term, as it does not stop the risk for diabetes complications, (2) bring information to patients, which enlightens them about their problem and increase adherence to advises aimed at controling the disease.
Our program believes that the only powerful and revolutionary solution that will help reverse insulin resistance, diabetes and avoid all the above complications is to eat a low-fat, plant-based whole foods (large quantities of carbohydrates-rich whole foods like fruits, potatoes, yams, etc), following a step-by-step plan that is proven to reverse insulin resistance (the root cause of blood sugar variability), while decreasing blood sugar, oral medications, and insulin requirements. while improving overall health and maximising life expectancy.
In addition to the above dietary change, we bring information on life-changing advice on measures that facilitate the cleansing of the body of the stores of "wrong" foods causing insulin resistance. These measures include fasting, exercise, and hydration.
If you are living with diabetes or with any of it complications and find our program interesting, we invite you to join the program's platform by clicking here or on the button below.